As soon as I saw Zac's face on that screen, I swooned. Yes, swooned. And then I got over it and realized I was actually paying attention to the movie. It wasn't just this man's gorgeous face that I was enjoying, but it was the movie itself that was holding my attention. Not only can Efron act better than I imagined, but he kept up with a surprising comedic cast made up of Leslie Mann, Mathew Perry, Melora Hardin and Thomas Lennon. The plot line flowed well and the packed audience seemed to actually care for the characters. For example, the middle-aged man, most likely a movie critic, next to me even managed to let out a few guffaws and heartfelt sighs. In total honesty, I walked out of the theater pleasantly surprised and a little bit more infatuated with...sigh...Zefron...sigh...