Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Accomplishments of Unemployment
The other day I made a bracelet from the Valentine's Day Friendship Bracelet Kit Zack got me. Yesterday I made guacamole. Today I made fudge (and I think it's low fat fudge, because I used low fat items, but that could really mean nothing, so who knows, but it'd be fun to pretend that it's not as bad for you as it could be...but I digress). Let's see what I am able to accomplish!
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Unemployment Crutch is the Disney Channel
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Talking to Strangers
Every morning, as I walk out of the Copley Square T station, I meet the same jolly man handing out the Boston Metro to my fellow commuters. He's always happy, always smiling. Never donning the orange Metro apron that cloak most Metro hander-outers. Instead he prefers his normal clothing accompanied by awesome sunglasses and a very stylish baseball cap. I don't remember how we first started talking. Knowing me, initially I most likely grinned, said a polite "No, thank you" to his kind Metro offering and proceeded on my way. The next day it probably developed into a "No, thank you. But have a great day!" And then the next it most likely was, "No, but thanks anyway. See you tomorrow?"
For the past few weeks our morning encounters have developed into a full on relationship. Upon my exit from the depths of the T station the Metro Man knows I don't want the paper. Instead he puts on a big smile when he sees me. Every morning with that smile, he opens his arms to give me a good morning hug. He always ends our morning embrace with a very much welcome, "Princess, did you change your hair? It looks great!" or "Girl, you're wearing those great glasses today." or "Have a great day, Princess!" You know, though. I just don't even know his name. Nor does he know mine. Regardless, we've managed to create an entire relationship based on the fact that he hands out Metros in the morning, and I happen to get off at this stop to get to work.
I considered this relationship this morning, and came to the conclusion that it's good to be nice to people, to respond to their greetings (within reason of course...). This is a quality I like in myself. And now I have a life long friend in the Metro Man.
Friday, May 22, 2009
...A Year Later
I've been terribly busy. Very busy.
Since I've last treated my five (5) followers with an entry, I have accomplished many things in life. Although my viewing of 17 Again is holding steady in my list of adventures, since then I have also managed to:
1. NOT finish Catcher in the Rye
2. Start and finish two other novels. Catcher in the Rye maybe has 100 pages. Maybe it's not meant to be.
3. See Star Trek (absolutely amazing) and Angels and Demons (even Tom Hanks makes bad decisions sometimes. But hey, he still gets paid. And is awesome.)
4. Write an entire "How To" guide for this job. I only started last week...I don't know what that means, but it means something.
5. Begin the process of sending out an email mail merge to over 4000 people.
6. NOT start packing for myhuge, intense move to a new city in T-minus two weeks.
Exciting stuff.
But...and here's the Big But.
I'm ready. I am ready for a challenge. I'm ready to take on unemployment, apply to grad school, follow my destiny, watch all five seasons of "Lost"...again. It's been a year since I graduated from BU and it's been nice witnessing a new class of former over-achievers grab their diplomas, ready to run. I wish them all the best of luck. That's what I did: grabbed my diploma, held on with a death-like grip, made like a baton-wielding relay runner and took off sprinting. In circles.
I'm not sure what's happened in this past year. However, for all the complaining I did, I find myself looking back with fond memories. Maybe I needed this year to let myself run around and figure out which direction is the best for continued sprinting. I still have my diploma clutched tightly in hand, but I'm ready to explore what comes next.
Friday, April 17, 2009
17 Again
As soon as I saw Zac's face on that screen, I swooned. Yes, swooned. And then I got over it and realized I was actually paying attention to the movie. It wasn't just this man's gorgeous face that I was enjoying, but it was the movie itself that was holding my attention. Not only can Efron act better than I imagined, but he kept up with a surprising comedic cast made up of Leslie Mann, Mathew Perry, Melora Hardin and Thomas Lennon. The plot line flowed well and the packed audience seemed to actually care for the characters. For example, the middle-aged man, most likely a movie critic, next to me even managed to let out a few guffaws and heartfelt sighs. In total honesty, I walked out of the theater pleasantly surprised and a little bit more infatuated with...sigh...Zefron...sigh...

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Adult Temper Tantrum
So I've realized I'm going through what I will call the Adult Temper Tantrum.
It's "adult" because you're not on the ground crying until you're red in the face, or holding your breath until you turn blue in the face, or making your face turn any particular color in general. Rather this Adult Temper Tantrum makes you want to mess with people, particularly your co-workers. For instance, throwing a pen in your co-worker's general direction seems like a very good idea when experiencing an Adult Temper Tantrum. If the pen hits him or her, then great, but if it doesn't, you most likely still got his or her attention. Now they feel obliged to pick the pen up. It's not a huge inconvenience, but still a bit of a bother. It's an even better reaction if the pen is thrown back at you. Another common feeling resulting from Adult Temper Tantrums is the urge to take someone's cup of paperclips and just knock it to the floor and run away giggling. Again, this does not creat havoc or utter destruction, but it's enough of an outburst that you've let out your frustration and inconvenienced his or her life just enough for the next few minutes. Watching the unlucky co-worker pick up the paperclips is also a nice little bonus.
In short, the four year old in me right now does not wish to cause harm or break anything. I simply want to make something incredibly inconvenient for you and walk away smiling.